"Three strikes and you're out" is a phrase that we are all familiar with in the sporting world. But did you know it also applies to dating? If you've been on three dates with someone and still haven't gotten intimate with them, it might be time to move on.

This technique works especially well with women who are considered "9's and 10's". These women are used to getting attention from men and can often be more resistant to casual encounters. By not calling them after three dates, you're telling them that you're not interested in playing games and you're not going to waste your time.

In addition, by not calling them, it creates a sense of mystery and intrigue. They may start to wonder why you're not pursuing them and may even feel a sense of rejection. This can make them more likely to seek you out and put in more effort to win your affection.

It's also important to note that this technique only works if the woman is already somewhat attracted to you. If there is no chemistry or connection, then no amount of mystery or intrigue will compel them to pursue you.

In summary, "three strikes and you're out" is a dating technique that can work well for those looking for a casual fling. It's important to read the situation and only use this technique if you're confident that the other person is already somewhat interested in you. By not calling them and creating a sense of mystery, you may be able to pique their interest and even increase your chances of intimacy.